OZZIE GUVEN (neXup, Bass Jamz, Heavy House Society) at Stealth


OZZIE GUVEN (neXup, Bass Jamz, Heavy House Society, MicroHertz) at Stealth

Following our sold out parties with Alisha & L.P Rhythm we are excited to announce the return of Ozzie Guven!

London based DJ/Producer Ozzie Guven has risen to prominence as one of the most sought-after architects of underground UK house music. His chart-topping releases on East End Dubs’ ‘Belief’, Max Dean’s ‘neXup recz’, Gaskin’s ‘Bass Jamz’, Sidney Charles’ ‘Heavy House Society’, Archie Hamilton’s ‘MicroHertz’ & Seb Zito’s ‘Seven Dials’ have gained the support of many of the scene’s key players – including Michael Bibi, Jamie Jones, Interplanetary Criminal, Luke Dean, Marco Carola, Main Phase, Joseph Capriati, Sarah Story, Notion, Eats Everything & Patrick Topping.

Advance Tickets on sale now via Stealth Fatsoma Tickets.
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