Stealth DnB Rave with KARA


Stealth Drum & Bass Rave with KARA

Friday 12th July


On Friday 12th July, we’re throwing a DnB Rave headlined by a DJ/producer who has clocked up over 1.5 million views on her DnB Allstars 360, and smashed her Rock City main room set at Crucast. Frequently found playing B2B with Crossy, Gray & Diagnostix – she has been playing some huge sets over the past year, and is showing no signs of slowing down; with upcoming festival slots at DnB Allstars Festival, Tomorrowland, Rampage, Bassfest & Boardmasters. Having won the award for ‘Best Female Producer’ at the Drum & Bass Awards, we can’t wait for her to return to the Stealth booth… it’s KARA!

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Drum & Bass, Jump-Up, Jungle, Rollers, Minimal, & Liquid.

2-4-1 drinks before 11pm.

Grab an advance ticket to the show now via:

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